
Agrotourism workshop at “Drupes”

Agrotourism at Drupes, Corinthia

Agrotourism workshop at “Drupes”

Greece is a land of many blessings : landscape, climate, history, hospitality, gastronomy and a fertile land, which produces wonderful products. Corinthia, the area where our hotel is located, is not exception. Since antiquity people have been growing here grapes, olives, fruits, vegetables and pulses, many of which are world-famous, such as the Corinthian raisin. It is therefore only natural that Agrotourism, this modern form of traveling, which combines staying in a foreign land and participating in the daily agricultural activities of the locals, should take roots here too.

This summer we discovered the family estate of Panagiotis Giannakainas, called « Drupes ». On his land, which is dotted with his sculptures (yes, he is an artist too !) Panagiotis has planted fruit trees, from which he makes excellent organic jams, dried fruits and fruit sauces.

Agrotourism at Drupes, Corinthia

Agrotourism at Drupes, Corinthia

We visited the farm on a summer morning, at the request of a group of Russian guests, who wanted a hands-on experience of Greece. Panagiotis and his daughter led us through the process of picking apricots and making apricot jam, while my good friend Marina helped with the translations. The children washed and cut the fruit, measured and poured the organic sugar, and stirred the wonderfully smelling pulp. All this in the garden, while we adults sipped our Greek coffee and nibled on homemade « spoon » sweets.

Agrotourism at Drupes, Corinthia

Agrotourism at Drupes, Corinthia

While the jam was cooking our host took us on a tour of the farm, where the children played with the animals : dogs, cats, hens, geese…

Agrotourism at Drupes, Corinthia

When the jam was ready, we put it into jars and each of our guest received one as a gift. Next day’s breakfast was even more succulant than usual! Thank you again Panagiotis for the wonderful experience !

Agrotourism at Drupes, Corinthia