The 6th Nemead in Ancient Nemea
6th Nemead in Ancient Nemea (11-12 June 2016)
One of the most amazing things happening in this area is the revival, every four years, of the ancient games of Nemea, also known as “Nemeads”. The “Nemeads” were athletic and religious festivals of the ancient Greeks which formed part of a cycle of games taking place each year at Delphi, Isthmia and (best known today) Olympia. It was at one of these four sites that, for a brief period each year, wars and hostilities were suspended by a sacred truce and all Greeks gathered in recognition of their common humanity. Read more about the history of the games in Ancient Nemea here.
What makes the “Nemeads” different from the Olympic Games and very special is the participation of ordinary people, including children! Races are organised by gender and age, and participants are rewarded only by bare feet sore from contact with the same stones and the same soil where ancient feet ran more than 2,000 years ago!
The Seventh Nemead will take place on June 26-28, 2020. Stay up to date and register for participation here.